Claude Mann

Chairperson, Gifting and Development

Claude Mann was born in Berlin, Germany, and grew up in Montmirail, France. At the age of sixteen, Claude moved to Paris where she attended La Sorbonne University and received her Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and French. In 1972, Claude moved to the United States, settling in Los Angeles where she became a restaurateur. She was an owner/partner of two successful restaurants. Claude was the impetus behind the selection of the Technion for the establishment of one of the Alfred Mann Institutes and now serves on their Board of Directors. She is also the Chairperson of Gifting and Development for the Alfred Mann Foundation for Scientific Research and has embraced the same dedication to philanthropy and innovation as her husband with the creation of an annual gala raising over $1 million dollars each year to support the research at the Foundation. Claude Mann earned the Women of Achievement Award from the Women of Sheba. She currently serves on the Boards of numerous organizations including the Technion Institute of Technology, the American Friends of Rabin Medical Center, and the LA Opera.